A Very Special Day   Leave a comment

Today is a very special day.  For three very important reasons.

1.  JK Rowling’s Birthday

Yes, Happy Birthday to Queen Rowling!  Thank you for bringing us Harry Potter and the magic of reading books.  Your legacy to us will live on.

2.  Harry Potter’s Birthday

The boy who lived. Your character has inspired many of us.  To be courageous and fight for what we believe is right.  To stand up to the truth. To love and let go of hate. To believe in magic. And so many things I am unsure how to put into words.  Happy Birthday!

3.  Pottermore Anniversary

It seemed only yesterday that more than a million Potterheads were clamoring to get hold of the Magical Quill.  And I am proud to say that I was one of them.  Even prouder that I was a Day 1 Pottermore Beta.  I stayed up for hours, unsure when the first clue would be released, wondering what time zone should I take into consideration.

The most important thing about Pottermore is that I met a lot of good friends, too!  Potterheads just like me.  Suddenly, I am no longer alone.  Happy Anniversary to us, Pottermore Family!

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